Invisible Robot - Industrial Background

Welcome to Invisible Robot


We are computer scientists and software engineers.


We use artificial intelligence to save our clients millions of dollars each year.


We love to talk shop so give us a call!

“[automating our business] with you guys was the smartest decision I ever made at Glenco.”

Les Coughlan
President, Glenco Electric

“You reduced my time-to-quote from 4 hours to under 30 minutes. I'm always the first bid/offer now - this is a true game changer for me!”

Jeff Stoyka
Vice President, Tradeline Electronics

“This already saves us $60k per year in labor - we're very excited to see what's next.”

Ron Chambers
President, Chambers Electric
Invisible Robot - Industrial Background

We help our commercial partners:


Reduce Labor Costs
  • Save thousands of labor hours per year
  • Automate repetetive, error-prone chores
  • Unlock the potential of overworked personnel


Increase Revenue
  • Dramatically leverage existing strengths and processes
  • Capture more opportunities with powerfully intelligent technology
  • Multiply the value of existing systems through custom integration
  • Coordinate large teams with less stress


Defend Market Share
  • Discover new technologies that offer the lowest risk ROI
  • Forecast the answers to complex questions in real time
  • Harvest fast changing sources of competitive intelligence and market data


Plan for the Future
  • Enshrine best practices in a system that grows with you
  • Unlock options for retirement and succession
  • Develop a long-term partnership with advanced technology specialists

“Invisible Robot's team has some of the brightest and most resourceful engineers I have ever worked with.”

Immad Naseer
Senior Programmer, Microsoft

“This is amazing. I've worked with computers for 25 years and never seen anything as effective as what you've done.”

Jaime Infante
Senior Engineer, FDM Software

“When a problem is too difficult to solve - we call Invisible Robot to solve it.”

Mo Dhaliwal
Director of Strategy, Skyrocket Digital
Invisible Robot - Industrial Background

Invisible Robot is today's premiere automation provider.



We are passionate computer scientists that design and build fully autonomous systems. Our engineers constantly experiment to improve the state of the art. You will not find a smarter or more dedicated team anywhere in the industry.



Our technology is self-learning, requires little training, adapts to the environment and understands plain English. We use artificial intelligence to provide maximum leverage with minimum staff disruption. Our next-generation programming language puts us in a class of our own.



We're not selling a canned product and we're not imposing foreign workflows. We save you time and money every year by automating your existing processes. Each Invisible Robot solves one problem efficiently - meaning you can start small and add as much value as you like over time.

Invisible Robot - Industrial Background